volunteering, readiness for volunteering, students, correctional teachers, people with special needs, trainingAbstract
A theoretical analysis of the problem of readiness of future correctional teachers for volunteer activities with children with special educational needs was carried out. It was determined that the volunteer activity of students – future correctional teachers is an integral part of their professional training. It is in the role of volunteers that students get their first active experience of interacting with children with special educational needs. The aggravation of current social problems and the lack of a perfect system of providing the necessary services to vulnerable segments of the population, including children with special educational needs, contribute to the activation of voluntary assistance. The problem of involving student youth in volunteering sounds quite acute. After all, according to scientists, student age is “determining”, because it is during this period that the worldview of an individual is formed. Volunteering directly affects the formation of student values. In addition, the involvement of young people in volunteer activities allows improving their professional training. In Ukraine, student volunteer groups operate at almost every higher education institution, centers of social services for families, children and youth, numerous public organizations, carrying out mainly social and pedagogical work in preventive, educational, rehabilitation, recreational, informational, security and protective and social and household directions. Students of various types of educational institutions perform volunteer work during internships. After its completion, many of them continue to work as volunteers in an organization whose profile is close to their future professional activity. During volunteer activities, future correctional teachers develop professional and personal traits such as: empathy, tolerance, patience, pedagogical optimism, altruism, emotional openness. Involvement of students in the design of their education can, on the one hand, strengthen professional motivation, and on the other hand, be a model for building a life and professional strategy. That is why the involvement of students in volunteering is one of the important conditions for the development of professional competence of future specialists. Methodological support for the study of the readiness of future correctional teachers to volunteer has been developed. It was determined that an effective method of preparing students for volunteer activities with children with special educational needs is training. The procedure of training classes includes the search for motives for which an individual performs volunteer work; analysis of reasons preventing the implementation of volunteer work; creation of a personality model of a specialist in correctional work; summing up. The readiness of future correctional pedagogues to carry out volunteer activities with children with special educational needs was investigated. Most of the respondents have a positive attitude towards volunteering and show an interest in it. It was also established that students’ understanding of volunteer activities in the framework of working with children with special educational needs is incomplete.
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