psychological analysis, linguistic picture of the world, linguistic consciousness, concept, psycholinguisticsAbstract
Introduction. We are guided by the concept that the system of language units with their various meanings is stored in consciousness and is a part of language consciousness. There are several levels of description of linguistic consciousness, including the level of traditional linguistic description. It involves a generalized description of the meanings and usage of language units and structures separated from the psychology of the speaker and the psychological reality of the description performed, that is, the language is studied as a system of units and the rules of their usage. The purpose of the study is to analyze the degree of formation of students’ linguistic and sociocultural competence, the need to pay attention to their speech errors, because linguistic competence indicates the level of mastery of the linguistic picture of the world. Results. The analysis of the components of the structure of national self-awareness revealed criteria that reflect the attitude of students to their native land, ethnicity, culture of the nation, Ukraine, society, and themselves. As a result, it was found that in order to solve the psychological problem of the development of students’ national self-awareness, it is necessary to create a program for the development of this self-awareness. This program should be aimed at practical development of theoretical and practical knowledge about national phenomena. Enriching knowledge and forming active interaction skills through the use of one’s own experience is also important. In addition, the readiness of the individual to feel responsibility for his development and the fate of the nation is important. It is also necessary to stimulate creative and social activity of students and create conditions for their self-realization.
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