


value orientations, extracurricular education, institution of extracurricular education, humanitarian direction of extracurricular education, pupils, patriotism


The article describes the process of forming the value orientations of pupils in humanitarian circles of extracurricular education institutions and reveals its components. The value orientations of the educational process in institutions of extracurricular education are considered in the publication as relevant and promising, planned results of education, which determine the purpose of extracurricular education to a decisive extent. The author emphasizes that in the current conditions of the country’s development, an important task in the humanitarian direction of extracurricular education is to educate Patriots who love their country and who are ready to contribute to its development. Patriotism is considered as an integrated value, the education of which should be given attention in circles of all areas of extracurricular education. As effective means of forming value orientations of pupils in the circles of the humanitarian direction of institutions of extracurricular education are distinguished: Ukrainian Studies (as a branch of humanitarian knowledge focused on the study of economic, political, social, cultural, historical issues of Ukraine) and literature (with the help of which you can express the thoughts, feelings and hopes of people, transfer their life experience). The author comes to the conclusion that the process of forming the value orientations of pupils in the circles of the humanitarian direction of institutions of extracurricular education should take into account the following components: National-Patriotic Education as one of the important areas of educational work in the system of extracurricular education; involvement of children and young people in understanding moral and cultural values, Ukrainian history has a significant potential for the education of patriotic qualities; creation of a language environment, education of respect and love for the Ukrainian language – one of the conditions for National-Patriotic Education of Ukrainian youth; formation of moral qualities, education of personal dignity, general culture of the individual; education of citizens who adequately represent Ukraine in the international space, they feel like members of the European community, perceive democratic values, value the rule of law, and strive for equal cooperation with European and international partners.


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