



social activity, macro level, meso level, micro level, integration, socialization, student youth, disability


Introduction. The integration of youth with disabilities, as well as their inclusion in a full and active life, is an important stage in the development of modern Ukrainian society. Accordingly, the values of inclusion, its principles and ideas provide that no person should be separated from society, and the status of a disabled person cannot deprive one of the opportunity to be a full member of society. Despite the positive experience of solving important youth issues, in Ukraine there are also challenges for young people with disabilities, related to the need for self-realization and development of their potential, which affects the ability to be an independent, sustainable, active member of the community. The relevance of the issue of inclusion of young people with disabilities in life in society is related both to the psychological characteristics of the individual (shyness, isolation, avoidance of failure, inability to adapt to new circumstances, imperfection of social and communication skills, etc.), and to their lack of active life position and the development of dependent tendencies (insufficient formation of prosocial motives for behavior, reluctance to change one’s own life or fear of change). The reduced activity of young people with disabilities, in a certain way, is related to barriers that prevent people of this category from receiving such services as health care, education, professional employment, active leisure, mobility, as well as access to information resources, etc. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the formation of social activity of young people with special educational needs in the process of obtaining an education and in extracurricular activities. Achieving the set goal was facilitated by solving the following tasks: – disclosure of the concept of «social activity»; – consideration of the factors of formation of social activity of student youth of different levels; – determination of specific features of the formation of social activity of youth with disabilities. Results. The factors of the formation of social activity of student youth at the macro level (levels of society), meso level (levels of the educational environment) and micro level (personal level) are analyzed. Modern priority vectors of theoretical and practical experience of scientists regarding the issue of formation of social activity in the process of socialization of the individual under the direct influence of a complex of external and internal factors are outlined. The specifics of the activity and activity of students with disabilities in the process of studying at a higher education institution and in extracurricular activities have been clarified. Ways of formation and development of social activity of young people with health disorders are proposed.


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