


coaching, coach, teenagers, goal of coaching, principles of coaching.


The rapid development of the modern world places high demands on every individual. We have drawn attention to an extremely vulnerable age category – teenagers. The purpose of writing this publication is to study the features of coaching and the feasibility and possibilities of its use in working with teenagers. The article highlights the interpretation of the concept of “coaching”, which means “helping a person move from where they are to where they want to be”. The main goal of a coach is to help the client realize his needs to achieve specific life goals and to help reveal his potential through real actions in real life conditions. It has been determined that the demand for coaching for teenagers is growing due to parents’ awareness of the importance of the child’s personal development, his internal state as the basis for future success and the importance of professional support for these processes. Adolescence is especially in need of coaching support, which helps develop key skills: the ability to set clear goals, plan the necessary actions and find motivation to achieve them; to be aware of one’s strengths and use them effectively in life; to mobilize resources to overcome life’s challenges; to understand one’s emotions and manage them to achieve positive results; to believe in one’s own strengths, abilities, and consciously move towards meaningful goals; to use curiosity as a tool for solving problems; and to realize that the quality of the process directly affects the final result. Researched through the analysis of scientific literature and practical experience, taking into account the peculiarities of a coach’s work with teenagers and the general goal of coaching, a number of requests can be identified with which teenagers most often turn to a coach. Among them: improving overall performance at school or in individual subjects; planning and successful implementation of preparation for exams; improving relationships with peers, parents, and teachers; mastering the skills of effective planning and rational use of time; developing the ability to self-regulate in stressful situations; awareness and effective use of one’s own emotions; analysis of difficulties at school or at home and finding ways to solve them. The article also identifies the services that a coach can provide to a teenager. Therefore, as a result of the data analysis, it is appropriate to focus on the feasibility of using coaching in working with teenagers and the need for further, more detailed research into coaching technologies for use in working with teenagers.


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