



inclusion, inclusive education, children with special educational needs, integration, developmental disabilities.


Abstract. The article explores the issues of historical development and organization of inclusive education for children with special needs in the context of modern challenges. The comparative aspect allows us to identify the specifics of the implementation of inclusive practices in educational systems, in particular, in Ukraine and the leading countries of the European Union. The author emphasizes the influence of social, economic and cultural factors on the implementation of an inclusive approach and notes the main achievements and problems that arise in the process of integrating students with special educational needs. The article analyzes the historical roots of inclusive education, starting with the movement for the rights of persons with disabilities in the twentieth century and the development of international agreements such as the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. These documents laid the foundation for a modern approach to education that takes into account the diverse needs of students. The author analyzes the stages of development of inclusive education in different countries, including Ukraine and Europe, focusing on the social, cultural and political factors that have influenced the implementation of inclusive practices. The author also discusses models of inclusive education, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the situation with the training of teachers who play a key role in the implementation of inclusive initiatives. The author notes that the process of development of inclusive education in the educational process in the historical aspect was gradual and depended on the development of the legal, economic and social components of society. The article emphasizes that the principles that determine the relationship between theory and practice, namely the principle of social adaptation, the principle of humanity, the principle of synergy, the principle of supporting the child’s independent activity and the principle of individualism, are of particular importance in the methodological substantiation of inclusion. The article analyzes the main historical stages of the development of inclusive education abroad and in Ukraine, taking into account the needs and problems that arise in the process of introducing this form of education in the educational process. The proposed recommendations are aimed at improving the practice of inclusive education, taking into account the experience of countries that have achieved significant success in this area.


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