



optimization tasks, economic-mathematical models, inclusion, Moodle platform, online course.


This article emphasizes the importance of ensuring continuity in education and lifelong learning, which requires scientific, methodological, and technical support for organizing the educational process in higher education institutions within an inclusive framework. It highlights the need to adapt educational materials to the individual needs of students with visual, hearing, or physical disabilities, particularly when teaching optimization tasks and economic-mathematical models. The article points out the benefits of combining traditional teaching methods with information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance the quality of education for individuals with disabilities. Such technologies support the individualization and differentiation of inclusive learning, creating a systematic approach that matches the abilities and potential of each student. The article highlights that using digital technologies in education fosters self-monitoring skills, computer literacy, and learning motivation. Additionally, these technologies positively impact productivity, emotional well-being, and encourage independence and initiative. Using the example of distance courses like “Optimization Methods and Models” and “Economic-Mathematical Methods and Models,” the article demonstrates how the Moodle platform can be adapted to meet the educational needs of students with visual, hearing, or physical impairments. Experience with Moodle shows that this platform enhances the quality of higher education in inclusive settings. The Moodle-based electronic courses on optimization and economic-mathematical methods offer opportunities for individualized learning, allowing students to choose how to study topics, set their own pace, and monitor their progress. This aligns with their specific needs and capabilities. In conclusion, the article states that the Moodle platform helps adapt the learning process to the special educational needs of students, ensuring an individualized approach and partially compensating for functional limitations caused by certain health conditions.


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