stress resistance, professional component, special teacher, adaptability, adaptation potential, pedagogical supervisionAbstract
The article analyzes the problem of stress resistance of future special teachers in wartime conditions. It is recognized that stress resistance is an important component of the professional competence of teachers who are able to effectively carry out pedagogical activities under stressful circumstances caused by war. The essence of the concept of “stress resistance of future special educators” is clarified, which is understood as a holistic property of the personality, characterized by high adaptability to the negative consequences of martial law, as well as professionally oriented competencies and personal qualities aimed at overcoming the consequences of stressful situations in the process of carrying out pedagogical activities. The adaptability and adaptive potential of the individual are characterized as important factors that effectively influence the process of forming the stress resistance of future special teachers. The adaptability of future special educators is understood as the individual’s ability to meet the requirements of the educational and professional environment: mastery of relevant professional competencies, continuous self-development, systematic self-analysis, self-evaluation of one’s own pedagogical activity. The adaptive potential of future special educators is interpreted as a holistic property of the individual, the basis of which are personal qualities and beliefs, value attitudes and motives regarding the implementation of pedagogical activities in an inclusive educational environment. It is noted that the high level of adaptation potential of future special teachers indicates the formation of their professional competence. Pedagogical supervision is characterized as an effective method of preventing professional burnout, which is aimed at the professional and personal development of the teacher in terms of the formation of his stress resistance in wartime conditions.
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