Requirements for execution
The article text should be keyboarded (editor WORD for WINDOWS) using Times New Roman, 14, line spacing – 1.5, edges: 2 cm on all sides; paragraph indent – 1.25;
Language of publication:Ukrainian, English, Polish.
The volume of the article should be at least 10 pages.
Structure of the article:
The UDC index (universal decimal classifier) is placed in front of the title of the article, a separate line, in the upper left corner. The author determines the UDC index.
Surname and name (in full), scientific degree, academic ranks, a full name of post and institution where the author (co-authors) works or studies, e-mail of the author (all co-authors), ORCID ( – in two languages (in Ukrainian and English).
The title of the article, abstract and keywords should be submitted in English and Ukrainian. The length of each annotation is at least 1,800 characters with spaces.
According to the requirements of scientometric bases, the abstract should be structured as an abstract, in which the following are indicated: introduction, purpose of the work, scientific novelty, conclusions.
Key words should be presented in the nominative case in a total number of no less than three and no more than seven.
The main part of the article should contain the following structural elements:
- urgency of the problem;
- analysis of recent research and publications (only a list of surnames is not allowed);
- purpose and main objectives of the study;
- presentation of the main research material;
- conclusions and prospects for further exploration of this issue;
- bibliography / References.
All names of parts (headings) should be separated by a bold pin (font).
References to sources in the text are given in square brackets [1, c. 12–13]. A reference to several sources is given simultaneously through a semicolon [1, c. 12–13; 3, p. 34; 5], pages are indicated if necessary.
Bibliography: minimum 10 items in a source language (the bibliographic list involves only sources which are mentioned in the article and is executed taking into account the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General principles and rules of composition”).
The list of used sources should include several new sources (in the last 3 years) and contain at least one scientific paper published in a journal included in the scientometric databases Scopus or Web of Science.
Each source from the bibliography should have at least one reference in the text of the article.
At the end of the article, there is a list of used sources in English, designed in accordance with the international standard of bibliographic description APA (American Psychological Association). The names of Ukrainian-language sources are given in transliteration, and the translation is given in square brackets.