psychological reflection, specifics of social work, martial law, post-traumatic syndromes, the unity of UkraineAbstract
In the process of scientific research, the object of our scientific reflections is the actualization of the processes of forming a society based on humanism, spiritual ideals, newly emerging humanistic pedagogy and social work through the prism of psychological aspects, at the stage of forming a new ethical and moral reality of the state of war and Russian aggression. Our goal is to participate in a thorough study of the psychological aspects of social work in the conditions of war, taking into account special pedagogical activities, which we understand as processes of involvement of the entire society, as well as subjects of socio-political processes with special educational needs in public life and life activities of local communities. In the first place, those participants of social action who have problems in physical or mental and psychological development should be put. These processes lead to reflection and the use of methods that will help every individual, child, person with special needs to fully participate in the political and social life of our state, which is in a state of hostilities. The unique social and political patterns of the development of civilization create peculiar economic and cultural trends, relative to the future actor of social activity, who must be trained and formed for the most diverse life situations with the help of education and training, culture and science, in the system of a certain cultural stage of the state’s development. Studying the historical variability of the discourse of pedagogic-psychological theory and practice, it is indicated that with the changes of socio-economic formations in the historical step of civilizations, they will get closer to man and his psycho-somatic states (human dimension) in all the fullness of psychological, spiritual-physical development and self-improvement sub object of sociocultural discourse in the conditions of war and post-war realities. Scientific developments expand the possibilities of psychological science and the practice of social work in wartime conditions, inclusive pedagogy for people with special educational needs on the basis of the spirituality of the functioning of the country and the preservation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Psychological features of social work can be used in the conceptualization of inclusive pedagogy, philosophy of education, involved in understanding and forecasting urgent problems of Ukrainian socio-cultural existence, solving real political problems of our Motherland in the conditions of military aggression of the Russian Federation at the regional and global levels, overcoming religious, political, and confessional differences. Rethought problems will help to form a balanced personality for people with special needs, with post-traumatic syndromes and will promote socialization and self-realization in the post-war environment and the aggressive world of wars, aggression and violence.
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