


social networks, students, teachers, socialization


Introduction. In the modern world, social networks have become not only a platform for information exchange but also an integral part of our everyday life. With each passing day, they occupy more space in our lives, transforming into a vital tool for interaction, communication, and self-expression. In this article, we will explore various aspects of the impact of social networks on our society and individuality, defining their role in shaping our thoughts, stereotypes, and interpersonal relationships. We will attempt to understand how these digital platforms influence our perception of the world and our identity in the era of information technologies. Purpose and objectives of the article. The purpose of this article is a thorough analysis of the influence of social networks on contemporary society and individuals, highlighting their role in shaping views, social connections, and the cultural landscape. By acknowledging both positive and negative aspects of using social networks, the article aims to stimulate discussion on their impact on our daily lives and consider possible ways to improve this influence. The article’s task will be to analyze social networks as a communication tool. Results. Analyzing the impact of social networks on our daily lives, we establish that these digital platforms have become not only a means of communication but also a significant factor in shaping society. Positive aspects such as quick access to information, support for social connections and communities, and expanded opportunities for self-expression are often accompanied by challenges, including an increased risk of negative stereotypes, influence on mental health, and a decline in offline communication. A collective examination of these aspects allows us to recognize the need for a more responsible approach to the use of social networks. The development of digital literacy, the encouragement of constructive discussion, and the utilization of platforms for the development of cultural and social initiatives can help maximize the positive impact of social networks. It is crucial to remember one’s mental and emotional hygiene, learn strategies for balanced use of these platforms in everyday life.


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