charity, mercy, Chistianity, community, social secenit, princes, government, phenomenon, Kiev state, RusAbstract
The article examines the main historical features of the development of philanthropy in Kyivan Rus, as the defining basis of social work in Ukrainian society. It is proven that the main forms of charitable work in Kyivan Rus later found their development in social assistance, and then in social work. The adoption of Christianity in Russia by Prince Volodymyr the Great in 988 had a significant impact on the practice of supporting vulnerable population groups. Charity is a multifaceted human activity, a social, psychological, and economic phenomenon that has a long history. Among the main directions of social assistance in Kyivan Rus’ IX st. a particularly significant place belonged to princely charity. Based on this, the charity of that period can be formulated as follows: “blind distribution of alms”. Help was given to anyone who asked or somehow resembled a beggar. Investigation of the way of life of beggars not only did not take place, but was also prohibited by the decrees of the priests. Centuries-old traditions of charity in Russia contributed to the creation of a strong state social security system.
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