


family; idea of family; the influence of the parental family; married life


Introduction. The article analyzes the role of the family in society as the basis of psychosocial, cultural and educational, economic, moral and spiritual renewal of the state. The article affirms the opinion and idea that the family is an important social institution that stands at the origins and formation of all individuals without exception. Ways of harmonizing the family and an effective approach to its formation, the formation of ideas about the future family among young people with disabilities are highlighted. The main studies devoted to the peculiarities of the functioning of families, their structure, as well as different approaches to understanding the family and marriage are disclosed. Purpose. To analyze and determine the role of the family in the development of young people with disabilities as an important psychological component of the life of society, as well as to prove that one of the important psychological functions of the family is the preparation and upbringing of the next generations, since the role of parenthood has a socio-cultural nature and includes a system of norms and values determined by culture and society, which determine the distribution between parents of the duties or functions of caring for children and, necessarily, their upbringing in the family; regulate the content and characteristics of roles, models and patterns of role behavior. The main characteristics and signs of the family as a small social group are highlighted, i.e. the necessity of integral psychological factors (family interests, public opinion, psychological climate, etc.), which arise and strengthen with the birth and development of the family; the existence of defining parameters of the family, that is, the group as a whole. An analysis of the importance of the family and, especially, family upbringing in the formation of the personality of a child, especially with a disability, was carried out. It is noted that the family at the current stage of the development of society is in dire need of multifaceted help: material, psychological, cultural, etc. Results. The article identifies and suggests important ways to improve educational influences and strengthen the modern family. Preparation of young people for married life should be carried out at all stages of their age development and be inseparable from the general problems of upbringing.


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