


barriers, inclusive environment, foreign language, communicative barriers, people with special needs, psychological barriers, students with disabilities, participants of the educational process


Introduction. In the development of society's vital activities and digitalization of the modern world, more and more psychological barriers arise in mastering new educational material, self-identification of young people in the profession and in public life. In the search for their own place in society and in acquiring a profession, young people with special educational needs and young people with disabilities are presented with many stereotypes and barriers regarding their own intellectual potential, motivation to study, students with disabilities move to the risk group and experience a state of crisis. which prevent the full development of the personality. Purpose is to identify the features of the emergence of psychological barriers in learning of foreign language and to explore and to suggest basic approaches for the overcoming these barriers in the inclusive institutions. Results. There are a number of barriers in the acquisition of a foreign language by students, which cause problems in the perception of foreign language vocabulary and the mastery of practical communication skills in the foreign language. In the psychological and pedagogical literature, devoted to the study of psychological barriers, the priority issue of the communicative competence formation on the basis of the formed linguistic competence is highlighted. In our opinion, the key in the prevention and overcoming of psychological barriers should underline the effective organization of the education, shifting the emphasis from the acquisition of theoretical knowledge to practical learning, highlighting the practical value of a foreign language in the profession communication, profession development and growth of the future professionals in economics, social work, finance, accounting and taxation, psychology, etc. The idea that every student, despite of the difficulties, associated with health problems, has not only the constitutional right, but also moral and spiritual, and equal opportunities to learn a foreign language is argued in the article. In this context, it is important to choose the tools for the teacher to work with students with special educational needs. It should be noted the key role of the teacher in the context of overcoming psychological barriers in the learning of a foreign language, because the teacher has the task not only to provide new knowledge to students, but also to apply pedagogical measures of preventive nature, which will prevent psychological barriers, building an appropriate communicative interaction and communication strategy.


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