


personality, personality development, persons with disabilities, persons with disabilities, inclusive tourism, travel, journey


Introduction. Modern society in the conditions of globalization transformations wants to see a person as an individual. From an early age, the education system forms positive qualities of the future personality in the child. First, parents, then educators, teachers, the immediate environment of the child, and also strangers indirectly or directly influence the formation of positive aspects of the character. In our opinion, tourism has an extremely strong influence on the development of a person’s personal characteristics. With the help of tourism, we form a personality in a veiled form. A child sees tourism only as a sport and therefore willingly enjoys this type of activity. And it is important for society that tourism affects the child’s health and personality. The deepening and irreversibility of socio-economic and political transformations in all spheres of social life of Ukraine poses new challenges to society. This is, first of all, the task of educating the modern generation in the spirit of active creative work, observing and harmonizing the interests of society and the individual, developing a person’s spirituality, and preserving his physical and moral health. The purpose and objectives of the article. The purpose of the article is to clarify the importance of inclusive tourism for the personal development of a person with a disability, to reveal the impact of travel on the inner world of a person. The results. It has been established that inclusive tourism is one of the key means of forming the personality of a person with a disability. In particular, travel helps people develop a global outlook, fosters compassion, can help a person increase self-esteem, and develops the ability to adequately interact with the surrounding reality. In the context of considering the possibilities of personal development, cultural and educational tourism is the most effective.


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