Internet addiction, Internet addiction, network, virtual environment, gadgetAbstract
Introduction. Scientific and technological progress is an indicator of the level of development of modern society. Due to the emergence of new technologies in the field of television and information and communication technologies (Internet, social networks, mobile communication), people are increasingly becoming information dependent. Today, the problem of dependence on the virtual world is gaining more and more scope. Psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists have long raised the question of the development of pathological dependence of people on the Internet. It is similar to gambling addiction, drug and alcohol addiction, etc. A person who "lives" in a virtual world does not actually control himself, he loses his will, freedom of choice. The problem of internet addiction is multifaceted, as it affects both the physical and psychological health of the nation, social relations in family, educational and professional environments, and serious economic problems. The purpose of the article is a sociological analysis of the socio-psychological factors that determine the emergence and development of Internet addiction, the identification of the main determinants for the development of a system of measures to prevent its negative consequences. Research results prove the relevance of the problem of Internet addiction among young people and require an urgent solution by developing means of prevention and reducing the manifestations of this type of addictive behavior.
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