united territorial community, professional competencies, work of a speech therapist.Abstract
The article presents the procedure for organizing and methodological support for the study of the peculiarities of work and competencies of a speech therapist working in united territorial communities. The author analyzes scientists' achievements in training a speech therapist in higher education institutions. A pedagogical study of the competencies of students of the first and second levels of education is carried out. The Standard of Professional Education and the competencies it contains are analyzed. The indicators of motivation of the studied group of people (students and practicing speech therapists) for professional activity in the united territorial community are determined. In particular, the article describes in detail the procedure for introducing the competencies of a speech therapist teacher into the learning process, through the development of an educational and professional program by a higher education institution and its educational components to cover them in the educational process. To ensure quality training and determine the peculiarities of the work of a speech therapist in the united territorial community, a focus group survey was conducted, consisting of practicing speech therapists and students of the first and second levels of education. The analysis of the survey of applicants about their readiness to perform the duties of a speech therapist in the United territorial community and indicators of motivational readiness to work as a speech therapist is presented. The study revealed indicators of good motivation in the majority of students of both the first and second levels of higher education. This indicates that they are interested in working as a speech therapist and have chosen this profession consciously. According to the results of the study, the professional competencies required for a speech therapist in an amalgamated territorial community are described and characterized. The peculiarities of their work with different categories of children and adults with speech and communication disorders are identified. The conclusions presented will allow for improved educational and professional programs of different levels of higher education for more successful teaching practices for higher education students.
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