


blended learning, legal education, international experience, technological integration, independent learning, universal learning model.


The article undertakes a detailed examination and juxtaposition of various blended learning models within the realm of legal education, both within Ukraine and internationally. It delves into the various challenges these models present, alongside the opportunities and future prospects they hold for the training and development of future legal professionals. The study critically assesses the efficiency of blended learning methodologies, their resilience in times of crisis, and their capacity to fulfill the diverse needs of students by providing an educational setting that is not only flexible and interactive but also enriched with advanced technological resources. It places significant emphasis on the importance of technological incorporation, bolstering independent study practices, enhancing interactivity, and ensuring the learning models’ flexibility and adaptability. The benefits derived from employing interactive online platforms, the application of gamification techniques, and the adoption of an interdisciplinary strategy in the educational framework are underscored. Drawing from the insights gained through the analysis, the article suggests a comprehensive model for blended learning that amalgamates the most effective practices and solutions aimed at elevating the standard of legal education in Ukraine. It outlines crucial elements vital for the successful deployment of this model, such as fostering digital literacy among learners, establishing ethical guidelines for technological use, and the imperative for ongoing refinement of educational curricula to keep pace with evolving legal and technological landscapes. This proposed universal model of blended learning serves as a cornerstone for reimagining and enhancing the pedagogical approach to legal education, ensuring that it is well-suited to meet the demands of the contemporary legal profession and the dynamic global environment.


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