social intelligence, ability, locus of control, motivation for success, higher education applicant with special needsAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the locus of control and motivation for success as psychological factors for the development of social intelligence of higher education applicants with special educational needs, which ensures their successful socio-psychological adaptation in the context of Ukraine’s integration into Europe. The purpose of the study: to empirically study the locus of control and motivation for success as psychological factors in the development of social intelligence of higher education applicants with special educational needs. It is first determined that the locus of control and motivation for success are psychological factors in the development of social intelligence of higher education applicants with special needs. In almost two third parts of the studied empirically, lower level of the total indicator of social intelligence was detected, almost one tenth part – low and average, in the sixteenth part – higher than the average. These levels are characterized by the appropriate ability to understand the desire and non-verbal and verbal behavioral expression of other people and to predict their behavior in almost one fourth, in some, in almost one or three fourth parts of interactions with other people. High levels are absent. Most of the subjects revealed the average level of external (one second) or internal (almost two fifth parts) locus of control. In fewer (almost one third part) defined low levels of external and internal locus of control. In the smallest defined high levels of external (almost one tenth) and internal (one fourth part) locus of control. With the help of external factors, they explain their behavior with the external locus of control, with the help of internal – with internal. More than the subjects have a high (almost two third parts) motivation level for success, in the smaller one – the average (one fourth) and low (one sixteenth). The higher level of motivation for success reveals a more stable need for the researchers to achieve a successful result in society. A defined relationship of social intelligence with the external locus of control of the studied is statistically significant and direct, with an internal locus of control and motivation for success – reverse.
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