



educational difficulties, socialization, socioadaptive educational difficulties, social communication, deficit of social interaction, maladaptive behavioral manifestations, skills


The article highlights the concept of socialization as the integration of an individual into society and its adoption of rules and norms of interaction in a specific community, its formation. It has been placed emphasis on the special relevance of the establishment of a social model and its components in accompanying children with special psychophysical development. It has been analyzed results of domestic and foreign pedagogical studies regarding the process of socialization of such children among norm-typical ones. Attention is drawn to the lack of a sufficient number of studies on social adaptation of children with special educational needs. It has been are substantiated the changes in the regulatory framework, which provide for the support of children with special educational needs in accordance with the defined category of educational difficulties and the level of support. Socioadaptive educational difficulties are considered and their place in the hierarchical structure of educational difficulties is determined. Attention is focused on the biopsychosocial model of the development of the child's organism, as well as the need for a comprehensive approach in the study and support of a child with special educational needs. It has been proven that socioadaptive educational difficulties characterized by diversity. In particular, the most common of them are a deficit of social communication, a deficit of social interaction, and the peculiarities of the manifestation of maladaptive behavior. The process of communication of a child with special educational needs from the standpoint of his socialization and adaptation in an inclusive class is considered in detail. Possible barriers in the communication process are characterized. Which are usually associated with the child's speech impairment in various areas and the lack of skills to understand non-verbal means of interaction. The peculiarities of the manifestation of social adaptation difficulties are characterized through behavioral manifestations that cause difficulties in adapting to changes and are manifested as aggression, hysteria, austimulation, stereotypic movements, and, in some places, may be the consequences of a violation of sensory integration. Attention is focused on the need to analyze skills that may be signs of difficulties in the communicative and behavioral spheres, as well as in the sphere of building relationships. It was concluded that the presence of social adaptation difficulties makes it difficult for children with special educational needs to fully adapt to the environment of an inclusive class of a general secondary education institution, which necessitates the use of targeted corrective influence not only in the educational institution, but also outside its boundaries.


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