social rehabilitation, children with disabilities, children with psychophysical disorders, persons with disabilities, social rehabilitation services, legislation in the field of social rehabilitationAbstract
The article considers key approaches to the legal regulation of social rehabilitation of children with disabilities in the legislation of Ukraine and foreign countries. Ensuring access to social rehabilitation services in Ukraine is of particular importance due to the significant number of children with disabilities, the growth of the child population whose health status is seriously damaged during the war, as well as the reduction of the network of rehabilitation centers and their insufficient personnel and material and technical support. The purpose of the article was to identify key approaches to the legal regulation of social rehabilitation of children with disabilities in national and foreign legislation. The results of the analysis of national legislation in the field of social rehabilitation indicate the obsolescence of regulations that do not take into account modern realities and needs of persons with disabilities, as well as their inconsistency with each other, which complicates interdepartmental interaction, access to social rehabilitation services, and reduces their quality. When improving legislation in the field of social rehabilitation, the experience of such European countries as Estonia, Finland and Poland, which have developed systems of social rehabilitation services, can be used. It relates to the need to guarantee an individual approach to meeting the needs of persons with disabilities, ensuring a comprehensive and flexible approach to rehabilitation services, prioritizing their provision at an early age, cooperation between local governments, service providers and public organizations.
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