economy, security, information technology, information systems, businessAbstract
This research paper is dedicated to studying the impact of information technology on a country’s economy. The increasing role of technology in modern society and business makes this topic particularly relevant. The paper aims to identify key aspects of this impact and assess the benefits and potential challenges arising from the implementation of information technology in the country’s economy. The research focuses on analyzing the positive influence of information technology on the economy. It examines the increase in labor productivity, optimization of business processes, and improvement in service quality through the implementation of information systems and automation. The advantages of e-commerce, digital marketing, and internet technologies in providing global market access and new opportunities for businesses are also investigated. The paper highlights potential challenges that arise from the implementation of information technology in the economy. It explores issues related to employment and changing labor specialization, the impact on the competitiveness of traditional industries, and income distribution in society. Special attention is given to cybersecurity and the protection of personal data, as the increased use of information technology is accompanied by increased risks of cyber attacks and breaches of confidentiality. Recommendations are provided for the optimal use of information technology in the country’s economy. This includes analysis of strategic planning, the need for skills and education for the digital economy, and the development of effective policies for regulation and stimulation of innovation. The importance of supporting startups and small businesses, which play a crucial role in driving innovation and economic growth, is also discussed. In conclusion, the results of this research emphasize the importance of information technology in the modern economy and its impact on various aspects of societal life.
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