



emotional intelligence, emotional competence, emotional intelligence of future psychologists, stages of emotional intelligence formation, interactive learning methods


Introduction. The article analyzes the concept and essence of the phenomenon of «emotional intelligence» as a component of the professional training of psychology students. The necessity and possibilities of forming the emotional intelligence of future specialists in the field of psychology are substantiated. Purpose. The purpose of this article is a theoretical analysis of emotional intelligence as an important factor in the professional training of future psychologists. Scientific novelty. The main approaches to the essence of the phenomenon of emotional intelligence, emotional competence, which act as a basic factor in the training of future psychologists, are considered. It is shown that the development of the emotional intelligence of a psychology student is one of the important characteristics of the formation of his personality in the process of acquiring a profession. The emotional intelligence of future psychologists is defined as an important component of the formation of their psychological culture and the establishment of professional development and personal growth, the establishment of interpersonal professional relations, etc. The study of emotional intelligence shows that it is a basic factor in the training of specialists of any field, especially psychologists, because the level of its development determines the level of emotional competence, which is necessary not only for successful professional activity, but also for the development of qualities that influence on personal growth, which ultimately affects professional activity. Results. Our own practical experience confirms that during studies, students go through five stages of professional growth, where at each of them important attention is paid to the development of emotional intelligence, which grows together with knowledge and development of professionally important skills. In addition, we can claim that training technologies in the training of future psychologists (specialists in socionomic professions) are the most effective in theory and practice.


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