inclusive education, students with special educational needs, scientific and pedagogical workers, higher education institutions, professional activity, personal development, social adaptationAbstract
Introduction. Inclusion is one of the main trends in the education system in the modern world. It aims to provide equal opportunities for learning and development for all students, including those with special educational needs (SEN). Scientific and pedagogical workers in higher education institutions play a key role in implementing inclusive education. One of the main features of the professional activity of scientific and pedagogical workers in the context of inclusive education is the need to create a favorable environment for all students, especially those with SEN. The purpose of the work. The article examines the peculiarities of professional activity of scientific and pedagogical workers in higher education institutions in organizing inclusive education for students with special educational needs. The main principles of preparing students with SEN, such as individual approach, interaction, active participation, differentiated learning, and creating a comfortable environment, are highlighted. The author discusses methods and forms of work with students with SEN, provides examples of various practices and innovative teaching methods that can be applied in pedagogical practice. Scientific novelty. The novelty lies in determining the peculiarities of professional activity of scientific and pedagogical workers in the context of inclusive education for students with special educational needs. In recent years, inclusive education has become a topical issue in the field of education, and this problem has become particularly important in higher education institutions. However, scientific and pedagogical workers should not only have knowledge on inclusive education but also have the ability to apply it in practice, providing effective education for students with special educational needs. Conclusion. Thus, as a result of the conducted research, it was established that the professional activity of scientific and pedagogical workers in higher education institutions in organizing inclusive education for students with special educational needs has its peculiarities, which consist in taking into account the individual needs and abilities of students with special educational needs.
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