persons with disabilities, education, inclusionAbstract
Introduction. Inclusive education is an important component of any developed education system. Inclusion promotes equal opportunities for all students, particularly those with special needs. The development of inclusion in Ukrainian education is a relevant issue, as Ukraine is transitioning to inclusive education in accordance with its obligations to international organizations and standards. This article is devoted to the analysis of the historical development of the rights of people with disabilities. It describes the history of attitudes towards people with disabilities, from their marginalization and stigmatization to active advocacy for their rights. The authors draw attention to how disability has been perceived in different eras, what obstacles have stood in the way of obtaining rights, and what achievements have already been made in this area. The article contains references to Ukrainian legislation in this field. The authors emphasize the importance of protecting the rights of people with disabilities and the need to expand their access to various areas of life, including education, employment, culture, and more. The article also describes the activities of various international organizations that are fighting for the rights of people with disabilities, such as the UN, the European Commission, and the European Disability Forum. Objective. The objective of this scientific work is to analyze the development of inclusion in Ukrainian education, identify problems and challenges that arise during the implementation of inclusive education in Ukraine, and propose ways to overcome these problems. Scientific novelty. The article is devoted to researching the history of the development of disability rights worldwide and in Ukraine. The article examines the evolution of approaches towards people with disabilities, starting from medieval times and ending with the present day. Conclusions. The article provides a general overview of stereotypes and discrimination that exist in society towards people with disabilities, and highlights the importance of their elimination for achieving full rights of people with disabilities. The article discusses various forms of integration and inclusion that allow people with disabilities to feel like full members of society. The authors also delve into the history of the development of the rights of people with disabilities in Ukraine. They examined legislative acts regulating the rights of people with disabilities in Ukraine and found that some of them date back to the Soviet period. The article also addresses the issue of accessibility to education and employment for people with disabilities in Ukrainian society.
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