


social support of veterans, psychological rehabilitation, professional reintegration, post-traumatic stress disorder, international experience.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the main methods and structural components of social support for veterans in the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia and Germany to develop recommendations for the implementation of an effective system of social assistance in Ukrainian conditions. The research methodology includes a comparative analysis of foreign models of social work with veterans, a review of publications, studies and regulatory documents describing the experience of these countries in the field of veteran support. The main methods are a systematic approach to structure the elements of social support and a comparative analysis to identify key differences and similarities between different models. The results of the work show that in all considered countries, the main components of social support for veterans are medical care, psychological rehabilitation, social adaptation and professional reintegration programs. Common to the overseas experience is the provision of comprehensive psychological care, especially for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including individual and group therapy, support for veteran families, and social interaction programs. Job training and retraining programs, such as the GI Bill program in the US, provide veterans with access to education and employment, contributing to their economic stability. Non-governmental organizations play an important role in supporting veterans in the UK and Canada, while in Germany social support for veterans is closely linked to the Bundeswehr welfare system. The conclusions of the study indicate that the successful implementation of elements of foreign experience in Ukraine can significantly improve the quality of life of veterans by providing them with the appropriate level of support and adaptation. It is recommended to develop a national system of psychological assistance for veterans with PTSD, as well as to create programs for families of veterans that would provide comprehensive support. Adaptation of professional reintegration programs and cooperation with non-governmental organizations can increase the effectiveness of supporting veterans in Ukrainian society.


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