digitalization, education, pedagogical mastery, digital divide, digital security, learning.Abstract
The article explores the challenges of digitalization in education and the significance of pedagogical mastery in addressing these issues. It highlights the relevance of digital transformation, which drives substantial changes in the educational environment. The authors emphasize the need to develop digital competencies among future educators to ensure their readiness for professional activities in a digital society. The aim of the study is to identify the problems of digitalization in education and define the key conceptual parameters for addressing them through enhancing pedagogical mastery. The study analyzes the primary barriers to digitalization, including digital inequality (regional, socio-economic, individual, and sectoral), issues of privacy and security, and insufficient adaptation of digital tools to various educational formats. It concludes that these challenges negatively impact the effectiveness of the educational process, particularly due to limited access to technologies, learning resources, and programs. Special attention is given to the role of pedagogical mastery in the context of digitalization. It is noted that a modern educator must not only possess a high level of professional competence but also critical thinking skills, the ability to use digital tools effectively, and the capacity to adapt them to individual educational trajectories of learners. The importance of self-education and participation in professional development activities is substantiated, as these are essential for continuous updating of knowledge and skills in the digital environment. The authors stress the necessity of creating an inclusive and equitable educational space that accommodates the diverse needs of participants in the educational process. Digitalization, as a vital element of modern pedagogy, simultaneously offers new opportunities and presents challenges to educators, requiring innovative approaches to teaching. The article provides recommendations for improving the efficiency of the educational process and adapting to the conditions of a digital society.
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