disability, inclusive tourism, social and psychological support, rehabilitation, potential.Abstract
The paper considers the key points of the inclusive tourism in Ukraine and its impact on psychological and social rehabilitation of people with disabilities. Social and political reality of present-day Ukraine have caused definite shifts in its social structure. The number of people who need separate or complex types of rehabilitation have increased greatly what challenged professionals in social and psychological spheres. Nowadays, Ukrainian scholars are working on the development of theoretical and practical background for inclusiverehabilitative tourism which will facilitate the wholesome integration of tourists with special needs into society. In particular, the authors define possibilities for rehabilitation for various categories of people with special needs by involving them into all types of tourism. The paper mentions physical and social influences of this sphere of rest and pastime on disabled people as well as their effectiveness depending on the conditions of use. As far as the practice shows, the most widely required trends are social activity in towns and villages, work with children and young people who has suffered from Russian aggression, social and psychological rehabilitation of university students with disabilities. A separate category comprises veterans of Russian-Ukrainian war who require special care and specific methods of rehabilitation. The scholars conclude that tourism has to become a powerful tool in self-confidence and potential to overcome different obstacles for disabled people. The ability to see the beauty and variety of Ukraine facilitates individual development and social integration. At present, the most accessible kind of rest and rehabilitation is “green tourism” which comprises the hosts’ hospitality and healthy recreation in the open air while enjoying healthy food-stuffs and cozy family atmosphere. It is ideal for rehabilitation; besides, it combines exercising, physical training and positive communication. Though there is considerable scholarly material concerning the described type of tourism, some of its aspects still lack proper investigation. There is a number of directions characterized by specific peculiarities resulting from the realia of our country. They have to be considered and solved. Firstly, rehabilitative potential of inclusive tourism in the war period has to be monitored in respect to material and financial provision of the discussed kind of tourism for disabled people. Professionals in the museum sphere, tourism, and social and psychological services have to commonly develop programs and tourist routes to the most distant and popular locations in Ukraine, taking into consideration war and military challenges. Physical and social influences on the tourists have to be born in mind, too. Moreover, there are important problems meant to be solved by tourism operators and professionals who have to provide successful and safe trips for special category of tourists, on the one hand, and employees of the state museums, environment protection structures, cultural and historical institutions for free access of such tourists to the objects – on the other. Special attention should be paid to barrier free entrance to fortification objects being often fortification monuments, routes in natural parks and reserves, rehabilitation and recreational complexes and places of residence. Elimination of the presented obstacles and solution of the problems will help to rehabilitate the people due to physical activity, increase of psychological stability of their organism. Social and cultural rehabilitation is of great importance, too, which is to be handled through a number of measures for strengthening psychological force aimed at permanent inner development and finally recovery of the cultural status of a disabled person as a personality. Most importantly, inclusive tourism aims at psychological rehabilitation meant to improve psychic health of the disabled via involving them into active rest and tourism. The present paper is an attempt to disclose theoretical trends and priorities of rehabilitation potential of inclusive tourism in present-day Ukraine. It proves that only combined efforts of scholars, professionals, state and local governing bodies, tourist business and public organizations can develop and improve theoretical grounds and practical application of inclusive tourism at present. Evolution of this tourism segment is vital due to the social requirements and perspective within European integration and adaptation to the European tourist market.
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