emotional intelligence, adaptation, higher education institutions, students, educational process, social skills.Abstract
In the article, the authors analyze the definitions of “intelligence”, “emotional intelligence”, “socio-emotional learning”. It is noted that the modern world is characterized by rapid changes, a high level of competition and constant stressful situations. In such conditions, the ability to successfully adapt becomes one of the most important human skills. Emotional intelligence, as the ability to recognize one’s emotions and the emotions of others, to manage them and to use this information to make decisions, plays a key role in the educational process. In the course of the study, an integrated approach was used, which covers a comprehensive analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature: studying scientific monographs, articles, dissertation studies, and other scientific sources covering the chosen topic. In addition, empirical methods were used, including observation, surveys, testing, and performance analysis, which provided reliable data for a deep understanding of the research. The study found that in the modern sense, socio-emotional intelligence is a skill that requires constant development throughout life, similar to maintaining general functional literacy at the proper level. This ability ensures effective interaction with others, emotional stability, and adaptation to social challenges. The authors conducted a study among students in order to collect information about their level of awareness of the importance of emotional intelligence; to determine the personal experience of respondents; and to assess the impact of emotional intelligence on the adaptation of students to modern challenges. The results of the study allow us to conclude that for the effective development of emotional intelligence in higher education students, it is necessary to combine a variety of methods. Systematic training, individual work with a specialist, self-education and practical exercises all contribute to the formation of the necessary competencies.
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Emotional intelligence and NLP as leadership tools for CPC students. 2024. URL: