labor motivation, enterprise personnel, motivation theories, labor motivation models, material incentives, non-material incentives.Abstract
The article explores the relevant issue of employee motivation in the context of modern challenges. It is noted that the key factor in the successful functioning of enterprises and improving their competitiveness is motivated personnel. Today, in unstable times, it is desirable for every manager to review motivational mechanisms, change management tools and conduct research on existing personnel needs. It is important not to forget that high levels of stress and anxiety have a negative impact on productivity and the desire to achieve results, so management should look for ways to overcome the negative consequences of such conditions in the workplace. An effective motivation system should encourage business leaders and stimulate employees to continuously develop. The implementation of new and unconventional approaches to motivation allows attracting highly qualified specialists and significantly improving the loyalty of regular employees. Research shows that the most effective motivation system combines both-material and non-material incentives, as well as innovative and unconventional approaches. The article examines and studies the foreign experience of using wage systems and employee motivation in enterprises, and labor standardization in developed countries as key interconnected factors to enhance employee interest in the final results of economic activities. The author’s vision of the motivational mechanism for labor activity is substantiated. The key tool of the motivational mechanism is the formation of the motive for work and the decision-making regarding labor activity (or inactivity) to satisfy a need. Internal motivation is related to the content of the work and its significance for the employee, while external motivation is aimed at stimulating labor from the side of the enterprise administration.
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