socio-economic methods, social work, volunteering, fostering, case managementAbstract
The definition and analysis of various socio-economic methods of social work allows to determine optimal approaches to solving social problems, improving the quality of life of the population and contributes to the creation of conditions for the inclusive development of society. The purpose of the article is to determine the actual socio-economic methods of social work, their analysis and the identification of factors and obstacles that affect the implementation of socio-economic methods in the context of modern conditions of social and economic development. The article systematizes existing approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “socio-economic methods of social work”, which made it possible to define socio-economic methods of social work as a set of strategies, programs and interventions aimed at ensuring social justice and economic stability through support of access to resources, development of economic self-sufficiency, stimulation of entrepreneurship and improvement of the economic well-being of vulnerable population groups. In addition, the article carries out a study that makes it possible to determine current socio-economic methods of social work, namely: volunteering, state socio-economic assistance, social work in communities, fostering, case management in combination with individual planning. The article also defines the peculiarities of each of the listed socio-economic methods of social work. It has been proven that various factors influence the implementation of socio-economic methods in working with communities: local context and community specificity, involvement of stakeholders, cooperation with various sectors, financial stability and resources, transparent management and monitoring, social justice, innovation and adaptability, long-term planning. It has been determined that there are obstacles and challenges in the implementation of socio-economic methods: financial restrictions, bureaucratic procedures, insufficient awareness, social stereotypes and prejudices, instability of the political environment, insufficient tracking of results, economic or territorial restrictions.
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