


somatic diseases, internal picture of the disease, reaction of the child to the disease


The study of the influence of chronic somatic diseases on the personal development of children is relevant from a scientific and practical point of view. The relevance of investigation is primarily determined by the tasks of psychological practice during the work with children with special needs as it is obvious that the health of child affects the development of his/her personality. Researching the problems of the psychological response of sick children to a chronic disease makes it possible to determine measures to provide a timely and effective impact on the process of adaptation to the disease and prevent the negative personal neoplasms. The purpose of the publication is to study the peculiarities of the personal development of children with various chronic somatic diseases and the role of different factors that influence the formation of the internal picture of the disease. Any somatic disease, especially a chronic one, significantly affects the psychological status and personal development of an individual. The main form of influence of a somatic disease on the human psyche is the psychological reaction of the individual to the very fact of the disease and its consequences. The article analyzes the psychological characteristics of children caused by chronic somatic diseases. A longterm chronic disease in childhood has a negative effect on the psyche and can lead to severe or even irreversible consequences. It can be fear, anxiety, neurotic and asthenic states. A delay in general physical and mental development is often observed. Particular importance, during the formation ideas about the disease, has severity and duration of the child’s illness, staying in a hospital and separation from parents. At the same time, the degree of awareness of the defect and psychological protection are also important. The child’s reaction to his illness consists of an assessment and experience of painful sensations, general well-being, an idea of his illness and its causes. Emotional response to the disease no longer depends on the nosological form of the disease, but on the personal characteristics of the children and the behavior of the parents. Chronic somatic diseases in children also affect the adequacy of self-esteem, the level of anxiety, neuroticism and psychopathization, and the formation of character accentuations. All types of attitudes towards illness observed in childhood are formed not only due to emotional and intellectual assessment of one’s condition, it is also influenced by all acquired experience, especially previous illnesses. Premorbid features of the sick child’s personality are also important. The decisive importance for the formation of the internal picture of the child’s illness is related to the illness of their parents themselves.


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