gender identity, psychological phenomenon, socialization, personality formation, social norms, technological developmentAbstract
Gender identity is a complex and multifaceted psychological phenomenon that encompasses both individual and social aspects of a person’s life. Modern research emphasizes the importance of understanding gender identity for personality formation, socialization, and psychological well-being. In the context of rapid social changes and technological developments affecting cultural and social norms, the study of gender identity is becoming increasingly relevant. This research aims to gain a deeper understanding of the processes of formation and development of gender identity, as well as to study its impact on various aspects of a person’s life. The aim of the research is to analyze gender identity as a psychological phenomenon, identify the main factors influencing its formation and development, and determine the impact of gender identity on a person’s psychological state and social behavior. Specific tasks include studying modern theoretical approaches to gender identity, analyzing empirical data on the influence of various social and psychological factors on this phenomenon, and developing recommendations for practical psychology. The scientific novelty of the work lies in a comprehensive approach to the study of gender identity, which includes both theoretical analysis and empirical research. For the first time in domestic psychology, a comprehensive analysis of the impact of modern social media and technologies on the formation of gender identity among youth has been conducted. The research also includes new data on the role of the family environment, educational institutions, and personal characteristics in the development of gender identity. Additionally, the work offers innovative approaches to supporting the psychological well-being of individuals with non-standard gender identities. The results of the study confirm that gender identity is a dynamic and multifactorial phenomenon formed under the influence of both internal and external factors. It has been found that social media and technologies significantly impact the processes of gender identity formation, especially among young people. The family environment, education, and personal traits play important roles in supporting or changing gender identity. Based on the obtained data, practical recommendations for psychologists, educators, and parents have been developed to support the healthy formation of gender identity in children and youth. These recommendations can be used to develop psychological support programs and educational courses aimed at the harmonious development of personality.
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