individual educational route of a child with SEN, tutor, tutor support, tutor development technologies in the formation of readiness for schoolAbstract
The article focuses on the use of tutoring technology for children with special educational needs, creating an individual route and supporting older preschoolers in forming their readiness for school. In modern pedagogical education, the study of such topical issues as supporting the individual development of a child with special needs in the formation of readiness for school, namely, the organization of tutor support for children with SEN, were not the subject of special research. But children with special educational needs always need special attention in a humanistic society. It is emphasized that the tutor support of children with special educational needs, the participation of a teacher-educator in the individual development of a child of older preschool age are aimed at individual support and preparation of children of older preschool age for the transition to a new social role of a student. It has been proven that the process of forming the readiness of children to study at school involves the preparation of tutoring programs for children with special needs. Activity-personal and child-centered are chosen as the main methodological approaches of the technology of tutoring of preschool children with special needs in the formation of readiness for schooling, which are determined by modern innovative processes in preschool and inclusive education. It is emphasized that a special role in tutor support is assigned to the inclusive design of the environment for the successful self-realization of the child in various types of cognitive or creative activity at all educational and age stages of preschool education. A conclusion was made, which contains the main tasks of the educatortutor in the organization of accompanying a child with SEN in the formation of readiness for schooling.
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