


time management, time management strategy, personnel, personnel security, business personnel security management, labor efficiency, employee satisfaction, personnel risks


The purpose of the article is to study the relationship between personal traits and time management strategies with the efficiency and job satisfaction of employees, which is the main protective mechanism of the personnel security system of any organization. The tasks of the research are to determine, through the analysis of scientific research, theoretical approaches and empirical data, which personal characteristics and approaches to time management most contribute to the achievement of high productivity and satisfaction of personnel during the performance of professional functions, as well as to draw parallels between effective time management and the level of personnel security of organization. Methods. The monographic method, the method of content analysis, synthesis, generalization and graphic methods were used in the research. Results. The possibilities of the influence of time management on the efficiency and satisfaction of employees with working conditions and its results are substantiated. The peculiarities and characteristic features of various time management strategies are established, in particular, such as the Eisenhower Matrix method, prioritization techniques, task delegation. It is argued that the use of specific time management strategies, are aligned with the personal characteristics and characteristics of the staff, and can have a positive effect on their efficiency and productivity. Recommendations are provided for optimizing the organization and implementing time management strategies at the management level of business entities. Causal relationships between effective time management and the level of personnel security of the company and the possibility of using time management to manage personnel security of the business have been established. Conclusion. Individual characteristics of personnel, such as stress resistance, leadership qualities, flexibility and self-discipline, influence the choice of optimal time management strategies. Effective time management will help reduce stress and achieve a balance between work and personal life of employees. Applying optimal time management strategies can increase staff satisfaction with work and improve the overall emotional climate of the team. Rational time management has a positive effect on the state of personnel security of the business entity.


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