


inclusive development, global challenges, poverty, inequality, sustainability, equal opportunities, human-centered food market model, agro-food systems


The purpose of the article is to conceptually define the inclusive development of Ukraine, assess the state of the national economy in accordance with the standards of inclusive development, and outline state policy measures, the implementation of which will contribute to its development. Research methodology. The purpose of the research is achieved through a systematic analysis of legal documents, a comprehensive review of the literature and a critical analysis of the literature on inclusive development. Drawing on a variety of sources, including academic research, policy documents and practical examples, the systematization and analysis of known theoretical approaches to inclusive development, the identification of factors that facilitate or inhibit the successful implementation of inclusive initiatives and recommendations for strategies to counter global challenges through inclusive development. Research results. The article offers a deep understanding of the role of inclusive development in the modern world, especially in the context of growing global challenges. Focusing on issues of social, economic and cultural inclusion, the authors of the article analyze how an inclusive approach can become a key tool for overcoming various problems facing the modern world. The concept of inclusive development is defined as a systematic approach aimed at creating conditions for the active inclusion of all members of society, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability or other personal characteristics. It is emphasized that inclusive development is not only a moral and ethical requirement, but also a strategic necessity to ensure the stability and sustainable development of nations in a world undergoing complex transformations. The authors analyze the key problems facing modern societies, such as economic inequality, social inclusion, climate change, large-scale migration, etc., and indicate how an inclusive approach can contribute to solving these problems. The article provides concrete examples of successful inclusive initiatives in different countries and discusses possible ways of further implementation of inclusive policies at different levels, from local to international. It is shown that for the development of the agro-food system, the inclusive model transforms the paradigm of economic development due to the optimization and modernization of the economic structure, ensuring a coordinated solution to economic, social and environmental problems. Practical significance of the obtained results. Aspects of expanding the methodology for assessing the level of inclusive development are considered, namely, we propose to use it not only for assessing the level of inclusive development of the agro-food system in Ukraine, but also for assessing the regional context. The authors note that this allows to build indicators of the complex development of the agro-food system in the region and typologies for improving the agro-food policy. It is shown that inclusive development is the basis for sustainable economic, social and environmental progress. By promoting equitable opportunities, inclusive approaches offer a path to more sustainable and inclusive societies. In addition, the article highlights the transformative potential of inclusive development in various sectors, ranging from the economy and education to health and others. In general, the article reflects the current understanding of inclusive development as an important strategy to counter global challenges, calling for joint efforts by governments, the public, and international organizations to implement it. It provides a basis for discussions and further research in the field of inclusive development and its role in solving the current problems of the modern world. By advocating for inclusion and equity, stakeholders can create a fairer and more sustainable future for all, overcoming the barriers of poverty, inequality and environmental degradation.


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