talent management, communication management, human potential, creative thinking, motivation, staff training and development, talent acquisition, talent retentionAbstract
Introduction. The article delves into the core concepts of "talent management," elucidating key factors essential for successful talent management within an enterprise. It systematically analyzes various approaches to talent development, taking into account diverse interaction technologies and effective communication strategies. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to systematise models of talent development and management and to determine the possibilities and feasibility of their implementation in the current Ukrainian realities. Results. Moreover, the article elucidates strategies for unleashing the latent potential of employees, fostering their growth and providing support. It underscores the indispensability of modern conflict management technologies, while considering the prevailing constraints of the business environment and potential obstacles to personnel and stakeholder management. Furthermore, the article argues for the efficacy of mastering contemporary talent management tools in selecting the most fitting approach for managing talented employees. It emphasizes the significance of considering individual psychological, behavioral, cultural, and other differences in attracting and retaining talent.Additionally, the article highlights the drawbacks associated with certain candidate assessment tools. It demonstrates how different talent management tools can be tailored to meet the specific needs and intricacies of the business environment, always prioritizing opportunities to enhance employee motivation, interest, and engagement. Conclusion. In conclusion, the article posits that supporting and retaining talented employees can significantly bolster the overall operational efficiency of a business. The article proves that the introduction of creative thinking techniques can be an important tool for talent management at an enterprise, as it will help to improve working conditions, increase productivity, increase staff engagement and interest in the final result and, accordingly, the overall operational efficiency of the enterprise.
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