
  • Iryna Shapka Educational and Scientific Institute «Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology» Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology
  • Natalia Yashkin Educational and Scientific Institute «Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology» Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology



аdaptation, іnclusion, іnclusive adaptation, workforce, labor market, algorithm


Introduction. The need for forming inclusive adaptation in organizations to enhance their effectiveness and resilience in the face of contemporary social and economic challenges, such as changes in demographic structures, cultural diversity, social inequality, economic challenges, and the demand for creating accessible workplaces. Purpose. The aim of the article is to define the concept of "inclusive adaptation," identify the factors influencing the process of inclusive adaptation through PEST analysis, and develop an algorithm for implementing inclusive adaptation. Methods: To achieve the aim of the article, theoretical analysis, PEST analysis, classification of factors, an algorithmic approach were used. Results. The concept of "inclusive adaptation" has been established, describing the process of creating a professional environment where every individual, regardless of their characteristics, can feel comfortable and capable of effectively fulfilling their duties. The article ranked the factors affecting inclusive adaptation using PEST analysis, which revealed the external factors influencing the implementation of inclusive initiatives, taking into account political, economic, social, and technological aspects. An algorithm for implementing inclusive adaptation was also developed, which includes key stages such as assessing needs and resources, developing and implementing strategies, and monitoring and analyzing results. Conclusions. The process of inclusive adaptation is critical for creating a professional environment that provides comfort and opportunities for all employees, regardless of their characteristics. The results of the PEST analysis indicated that political, economic, social, and technological factors significantly influence the implementation of inclusive initiatives, emphasizing the importance of a comprehensive approach to considering these factors. The developed algorithm for implementing inclusive adaptation offers a structured approach to realizing these initiatives, which can help organizations effectively integrate inclusivity into their practices. Inclusive adaptation contributes to enhancing consumer trust in organizations that actively implement inclusive practices, which, in turn, can improve their reputation and competitiveness.


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