Title: Inclusive Economics

Date of foundation: 2023

Registration of Print media entity: Decision of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine: Decision No. 1424 as of 16.11.2023

Media ID: R30-02067

Founders of the journal: Educational and Rehabilitation Institution of Higher Education "Kamianets-Podilskyi State Institute"

Publisher: Helvetica Publishing House

ISSN: 2786-9261 (print); 2786-927X (online)

UDC 330.101.8(051)

Languages: Ukrainian, English

Periodicity: 6 times a year

Professional registration (category "B"): Decree of MES No. 220 (Annex 4) dated February 21, 2024

Field of science: Economics; Public Management and Administration

Majors: 051 Economics; 071 Accounting and Taxation; 072 Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market; 073 Management; 281 Public Management and Administration

Scientometric databases: Vernadsky National Library, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus

The purpose of the scientific journal is to publish the results of research on a model of economic development that seeks to provide equal opportunities for all members of society.

Main objectives: publication of researches on the impact of various macroeconomic and microeconomic factors on the development of society and the formation of an inclusive economy model; on innovations that promote social integration and economic equality, including the availability of information, material and financial resources for all segments of the population; on the methodology for assessing and analysing the factors that ensure the formation and development of an inclusive economy model; on modern theories of inclusive economic development, which creates a platform for debate on theoretical foundations, categories, concepts and principles of inclusive economic relations; about modern trends of public administration transformations in Ukraine; about the impact of public management and administration on the sustainable development of the economy.