financial inclusion, access to financial services, financial literacy, responsible inclusive financial market, financial awarenessAbstract
Introduction. Ukraine's financial system is currently developing in accordance with the Strategy for the Development of the Financial Sector of Ukraine, which was approved in 2023. The main mission of the NBU is to regulate the financial sector to ensure the accumulation, distribution and circulation of financial resources on the basis of financial stability and inclusion, cybersecurity and the dissemination of the latest technologies to promote the recovery of Ukraine's economy and support the welfare of citizens. Therefore, the issue of financial awareness of the population, the introduction of financial literacy elements in the everyday life of citizens, which affects the financial security of each individual and the state as a whole, is very acute. The purpose of the article is to identify financial market participants who, due to limitations in financial literacy, do not use all available financial opportunities in the financial market. Results. Based on the analysis of financial literacy and financial inclusion indices, the most problematic categories of consumers in the financial market are identified, which can become a promising source of accumulation of free funds. It has been determined that the development of financial inclusion requires additional measures among the elderly population, who need clear information about their financial capabilities and the basics of financial security. It is also determined that local governments are one of the participants in the financial market that does not use the existing financial instruments to finance their own budgets to the fullest extent. It is proposed to promote and encourage debt financing methods through local government bonds as opposed to bank loans. Ultimately, these tools have a number of advantages over others. Conclusion. Based on the above material, it can be concluded that financial inclusion is becoming a powerful tool for mobilising financial resources through financial market instruments in the current environment. The development of a financially knowledgeable consumer of financial products will have positive consequences for both the country's economic recovery and the population.
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