


inclusivity, digital landscape, involvement, economic development, inclusive technologies, digital literacy, socio-cultural environment, innovations, social interaction


The research on "Inclusive economic digital landscape: enhancing inclusion through technologies" focuses on analyzing and improving inclusivity in the digital economic environment. It examines the impact of digital technologies on various socio-cultural groups and economic strata, aiming to identify barriers and develop strategies to increase the involvement of all groups in digital development. The study not only analyzes existing tools and initiatives aimed at promoting inclusivity in the digital environment but systematically assesses their impact and effectiveness. The research's goal is to develop specific strategies to ensure equal access to digital opportunities, support economic growth, and create a fair distribution of benefits in digital development. Research Methods: Various scientific methods were employed during the research to thoroughly investigate and evaluate different aspects of the topic. The general scientific method was used for a superficial overview of the subject and to provide a general characterization. Key Research Findings: The research underscores the necessity of creating an inclusive digital environment oriented towards diverse social and economic groups, considering the expansion of accessibility and exploring the interaction of technologies with the socio-cultural environment. Conclusions and Author's Specific Proposals: The research "Inclusive Economic Digital Landscape: Enhancing Inclusion through Technologies" has identified key aspects that determine the need and directions for further action to enhance inclusivity in the digital environment. Main conclusions include: insufficient inclusivity of existing digital environments; necessity for inclusivity enhancement strategies; review of existing tools and initiatives; impact of digital technologies on employment and economic development. Specific Proposals: creation of inclusive standards for developers; involvement of diverse socio-cultural groups in technology development; regular inclusivity audits.


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