


customs procedures, customs declaration, customs control, customs clearance, collection of customs payments


Introduction. Today, the issue of monitoring the effectiveness of customs procedures at customs is considered to be one of the most pressing issues being considered by the global economic community. The dynamic development of international trade and the challenges of globalization necessitate new approaches to the tools for monitoring compliance with customs procedures at customs in the process of moving goods by various modes of transport. In view of this, research on the chosen topic will always be in the focus of attention of economic scientists. This is due to the fact that the issue of customs procedures at customs is an important factor in the policy of international trade development for our country, in particular, given the need to deepen integration into the modern world economy. Purpose. To study the theoretical and practical aspects of customs procedures in the process of moving goods by various modes of transport. Methods. To achieve this goal, the article uses general and special research methods, in particular, the following: general scientific and special - to ensure the achievement of the goal, abstract-logical and dialectical - to substantiate theoretical positions and conclusions. The methods of graphical display of results are used. Results. The relevance of the material presented in this scientific article is due to the need to reveal the current state of monitoring of customs procedures at customs. Based on the statistical data of the State Customs Service of Ukraine, the author examines the volume of freight transportation by Ukrzaliznytsia as of 2020–2023. The statistical data of the State Customs Service of Ukraine on the volume of movement of goods and vehicles across the customs border of Ukraine by border sections are considered. The author analyzes the customs declarations issued in Ukraine during the years under study. The results of the study provide the basis for solving practical problems regarding the current state of monitoring of customs procedures at customs. Conclusion. The author concludes that it is expedient to secure transportation, reduce high prices and tariffs for services, guarantee the safety of goods, and minimize delays by controlling authorities in order to increase the flow of goods through Ukraine.


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