


control, control system, audit, accounting, financial reporting, regulatory and legal regulation


Introduction. The research interest in the interpretation of the concept of control has led to an understanding of its important aspects and the need to address the issue of improving the regulatory framework. The article determines that in its historical development, control has gone a unique way from primitive calculations to a highly organised system. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to conduct a scientific research and carry out a critical analysis of the essential positions of regulatory and legal regulation of control in the historical chronology, and to identify their impact on its organisation and methodology. Methods. In the process of conducting scientific research, a number of methods were used to achieve its goal, in particular, induction and deduction - to formulate the concept of control from its historical development to the present, generalization and abstraction - to determine the stages of development of regulatory regulation of the control system. Results. The author substantiates the understanding of control as a process of studying offences in the activities of business entities which need to be corrected in order to prevent negative and crisis situations, which will allow working in the interests of society and the State. It is established that in different historical periods, the control process (namely, inspections) had different purposes, and control subjects used different tools, methods and evaluation techniques. On this basis, the author distinguishes the stages of historical development of the regulatory and legal support of the control system in Ukraine. It is concluded that in the modern world, the need for international and online control has increased due to the processes of economic globalisation. In today's environment, the introduction of online control, which is an advanced mechanism for performing control functions (operations) using the latest information technologies, is key to its further development. Conclusion. It is summarised that effective legal regulation, improvement and application of online control is the key to ensuring the implementation of control activities for effective management and economic recovery in times of war.


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