


human capital, inclusion, inclusive development, inclusive economy, inclusiveness of the economy, inclusiveness index, inclusive statements, інклюзивна звітність


Despite the human and material losses in the current Russian-Ukrainian war, it is now necessary to think and plan not only for the reconstruction of the infrastructure, residential and office premises destroyed by the war, but also for the restoration of the country's economy. The main factor that will ensure the post-war recovery of the Ukrainian economy is the accumulation and development of its human capital, the quality of which determines not only the personal well-being of people but also the country's prosperity. Also, the main task and condition for Ukraine's survival today is the path to economic inclusive growth, which means reducing social inequality and improving the quality of life of the population through fair redistribution of national income by the state and creating favorable economic, social and environmental conditions for citizens and an even distribution of economic benefits in society. The article presents an analysis of the development and accumulation of human capital in Ukraine in the current and post-war period of its functioning, an assessment of the main indicators of human capital and a search for new ones that will help assess the impact of the war and create an effective strategy for the restoration of human capital, a study of the theoretical foundations of the inclusiveness of the Ukrainian economy, structuring of these concepts and identification of indicators of economic growth. The author proposes a set of measures for the strategy of human capital restoration: economic incentives for employers; non-economic incentives; creation of a human capital development fund through the introduction of a new, additional tax for enterprises operating in the field of IT technologies; development of a new methodology for assessing human capital with regard to inclusion – a comprehensive index of human capital inclusiveness, which aims to sustainably improve the standard of living of the population, and not just increase the production of goods and services; formation of Inclusive reporting - compiling an inclusive wealth report (measuring sustainability and equity), which is key to stimulating sustainable investment in all areas of biodiversity, recommends policy solutions that prioritize sustainable management of natural capital to achieve sustainable development goals.


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