inclusive economy, state's financial policy, budgetary policy, tax policy, monetary policyAbstract
The article outlines the role of the state's financial policy in shaping an inclusive economy. Inclusive economy aims to achieve sustainable and equitable development, where all segments of society have equal access to opportunities and benefit from participating in economic relations. Emphasized is the importance of researching the impact of financial policy on economic relations to understand how government decisions influence the economy and society as a whole. This allows for well-founded strategies to be developed for achieving inclusive economic development, which, in turn, ensures stability and sustained growth. It is appropriate to take into account the interrelationships of financial and economic policies in the strategic steps of the state to meet the formation of an inclusive economy. Thus, financial policy and economic policy of the state have a deep relationship and common goals. Both strive to ensure the stable development of the economy, ensure the well-being of the population, thereby achieving a number of socio-economic goals. Fundamental research determines the role of financial policy and its relationship with economic development, thereby confirming that the state possesses indispensable financial levers and tools capable of solving socio-economic problems. This is extremely important in the pursuit of the formation of economic relations on the basis of equality, justice and accessibility, as the foundation of an inclusive economy. Various aspects affecting economic inclusivity are discussed, including the role of budgetary, tax, and monetary policies as drivers of an inclusive economy. Overall, the state's financial policy is seen as a stimulator that can utilize financial, tax, and monetary tools to shape an inclusive economy. The need for research and analysis of the state's financial policy as a stimulator for forming an inclusive economy and ensuring its sustainability and development is highlighted.
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