accounting, audit, financial reporting, inclusion, socially protected personsAbstract
Introduction. The regulation of accounting and financial reporting have to be carried out on the basis of the economic requirements of the market, the positive ones of which should be enshrined in the relevant regulations in Ukraine. This is due to the requirements of a market economy and the expansion of user groups that make decisions based on financial reporting. Purpose. To generalize the peculiarities of the legal and regulatory framework for accounting and auditing of financial reporting and to show the role of a worker with special needs while working on such an important area of work. Results. To ensure compliance with information needs for users of financial reporting and requirements of market conditions of homekeeping, necessary is the application of progressive provisions, practices and international experience, which should be taken into account in the process of reforming accounting and financial reporting in Ukraine, as well as pay attention to the fact that this area of work is performed by a specialist with limited physical abilities. Based on the Law of Ukraine "On the basis of social protection of persons with disabilities in Ukraine" which defines the foundations of social protection of persons with disabilities in Ukraine and guarantees them equal opportunities with all other citizens to participate in the economic, political and social spheres of society's life, creating the necessary conditions, which enable persons with disabilities to effectively implement rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen and to conduct a full-fledged manner life according to individual abilities, skills and interests. A special workplace should be created for an accountant with a disability. There are a separate workplace or a section of the production area that requires additional measures to organize a person's work taking into account his individual functional capabilities due to disability, by adapting the main and additional equipment, technical equipment, etc. Management and regulation of accounting and financial reporting have to be carried out on the basis of the economic requirements of the market, the positive ones of which must be enshrined in the relevant regulatory acts in Ukraine. This is due to the requirements of modern economic development and the expansion of user groups that make decisions based on financial statements. The implementation of accounting, the composition of financial reporting and the order of preparation individual reporting forms is regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine", the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Approval of the Procedure for Submitting Financial Reporting" and Accounting Regulations (standards). The study of the current system of the regulatory and legal basis of financial reporting in Ukraine shows that the low level of suitability of financial reporting indicators for information support of decision-making is due to the imperfection of the system of its regulatory and legal regulation. In particular, it determines the low responsibility of enterprises for compliance with the quality characteristics of reported information. Thus, in order to ensure compliance with the information needs of users of financial statements and the requirements of market business conditions, it is necessary to apply progressive provisions, practice and international experience, which should be taken into account in the process of reforming accounting and financial statements in Ukraine, and attention should also be paid to, that this part of the work is performed by a specialist with limited physical capabilities.
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