


inclusive education, economy, national security, educational needs, society, qualification, higher education


Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022, has had dire consequences for education in Ukraine. Educational institutions suffered human losses – teachers, students and parents died and continue to die during hostilities. Thousands of educational institutions were destroyed or damaged. Millions of children and thousands of Ukrainian teachers were forced to change their place of residence within the country or go abroad. Every day, all participants in the educational process have to overcome the challenges of war: forced breaks in education, the transition to distance or mixed forms of education, air raids and power outages. The full-scale war worsened access to education, deepened the existing educational inequalities, negatively affected the quality of the educational process and academic success, and also reflected on the psycho-emotional state of those seeking education. Of course, the war in Ukraine also affected inclusive education. However, the state does everything possible and impossible, so that in such difficult conditions, inclusive education provides the opportunity to receive education for all members of society. Certain changes to the normative and legal provision of inclusive education provide that during the period of martial law, state of emergency or state of emergency (special period), educational institutions cannot refuse to organize inclusive education for children with special educational needs and create an inclusive class (group). Under the conditions of martial law, students with special educational needs are the most vulnerable category that needs exceptional support and attention. Therefore, regardless of their location, educational institutions must make every effort to ensure that such children continue their education and receive the necessary psychological and pedagogical assistance in safe conditions. After all, the development of the state's economy at the current stage in the conditions of globalization is characterized by the activation of the process of intellectualization and the formation of a society based on knowledge and high technologies on this basis, characterized by a high innovative and intellectual level.


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