


auditing services, audit, financial reporting, international auditing standards, auditing activities


Auditing services are one of the key elements of the modern economic environment, ensuring transparency and reliability of financial information, which is essential for making effective managerial decisions. In Ukraine, the development of auditing activities is influenced by numerous factors, including economic challenges, European integration processes, increasing requirements for financial reporting transparency, and adaptation to international standards. The purpose of the study is to analyze the current state of auditing services in Ukraine, identify key problems and barriers hindering their development, and outline promising directions for improvement. The primary focus is on examining the impact of legislative changes aimed at aligning national auditing standards with international requirements, as well as assessing their effect on auditors' professional activities and the quality of provided services. The study highlights the growing demand for non-financial auditing services, such as consulting, risk assessment, and internal audit. It notes that the integration of new technologies, such as audit process automation, the implementation of artificial intelligence, and big data analysis, opens up new opportunities for improving the quality of auditing services. Special attention is given to the importance of harmonizing the national auditing system with the requirements of European Union Directives. This contributes to strengthening trust in auditors, ensuring the compliance of enterprises’ financial reporting with European standards, and enhancing the country's investment attractiveness. The research results indicate the need to strengthen oversight of auditing firms' activities, develop training programs for professionals, and establish a public oversight body. Such measures will ensure improved service quality, increased trust in auditors, and the further formation of a competitive market for auditing services in Ukraine. The study is of practical value to researchers, auditors, business representatives, and regulatory authorities interested in improving auditing practices and enhancing its role in ensuring financial stability and business transparency in Ukraine.


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