


tourist services, tourist infrastructure, inclusive tourism, persons with disabilities, factors of social integration


Introduction. Inclusive tourism serves as a significant means of rehabilitation and social integration for individuals with disabilities. It facilitates health improvement, social interaction, the reduction of psychological barriers, and offers psychological satisfaction through various activities. This concept emphasizes collaboration among stakeholders in the tourism sector to ensure accessibility in terms of mobility, vision, hearing, and cognition, thus creating inclusive environments. Purpose. The article aims to explore the concept of inclusive tourism, highlight its rehabilitative role for individuals with disabilities, and assess its broader significance in fostering societal integration. Additionally, it identifies the legal and normative frameworks governing accessible tourism and evaluates current practices and approaches in demand among people with disabilities. Methods. The study involves an analysis of normative legal acts, existing approaches to inclusive tourism, and the role of tourism enterprises in offering medical and rehabilitation services. It also evaluates the social and emotional benefits of inclusive tourism for individuals with disabilities and its broader implications for society. Results. The research identifies significant potential in inclusive tourism, noting its benefits for tourists, businesses, and society at large. Challenges related to the provision of tourist services for individuals with disabilities are outlined, alongside the evaluation of prospects for addressing these issues. The study highlights the importance of tourism in empowering individuals with disabilities as active members of society, promoting societal stability and cohesion. Conclusion.Inclusive tourism plays a vital role in rehabilitation and social integration, addressing the needs of individuals with disabilities while contributing to societal development. Continued research is necessary to address existing challenges and enhance the effectiveness of inclusive tourism in fostering social communication and integration.


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