


agglomeration, integrated development, spatial development, urbanization, regional center, center of economic growth


Introduction. Today, agglomerations around the world serve as powerful drivers of economic growth due to the concentration of economic activity, population, labor resources, businesses, quality infrastructure, and innovations. The formation of agglomerations in Ukraine is only beginning. However, it is evident that their significant untapped potential can become a catalyst for economic modernization and improving the standard of living, particularly in the context of post-war reconstruction. The purpose of the article is to explore the role of agglomerations in ensuring integrated spatial development. The following methods were used in the research: induction and deduction, comparative analysis, synthesis, statistical analysis, literature review, as well as graphical and cartographic methods. Results. Based on a comparison of urbanization processes in the regions and regional centers of Ukraine during 2013–2021, as well as an assessment of the potential for further urbanization of the regional centers in Western Ukraine under wartime and post-war recovery conditions, it has been established that agglomerations serve as key nodes of economic activity, enhancing regional competitiveness and fostering the development of centers of economic growth. An analysis of the dynamics of spatial concentration (economic density) across Ukrainian regions from 2013 to 2021, along with the dynamics of tax returns by region from 2018 to 2023, demonstrates the potential of agglomerations as hubs for capital concentration and business development. Considering the research results, emphasis is placed on the need to implement comprehensive models for planning the development of agglomerations in Ukraine, which take into account the needs for infrastructure development, mobility, and environmental sustainability. Strengthening coordination across different levels of governance and fostering active cooperation between local governments, the state, and the private sector are also highlighted. Additionally, it is recommended to develop comprehensive strategies for agglomeration development that, on the one hand, align with smart specialization and regional needs, and on the other hand, consider the local specificities of development.


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